Monday, December 20, 2010

What to do?

I scrambled to get my birdhouse order was close but I got them done and out the door.  I, unfortunately, didn't get a chance to photograph them before they left (as so often happens with me)--but I think that they were well receicved.  Maybe I'll get some snapshots of them in their new home.  Now I am left wondering what to do??  My studio is quite frozen right now so starting any large projects is out of the question.  I've been searching etsy to muster up some ideas and have tentatively decided to bring all of my plaster tile molds in and start a little ceramic tile factory in the back room.  I love designing tiles--but the actual labor of producing and finishing large quantities of the same thing is not my favorite activity--but at least it will keep me going.  Winter blahs are tough to keep away!